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      Soda Gun


        It can quickly and gently remove paint and rust, and the effect can also be extended to many hard to reach places. Such as object crevices and edges.
        During rust and paint removal, the metal plate will not be heated or deformed.
        The nozzle flow has been preset to the appropriate flow to ensure a good working experience.
        The dust agent is edible soda powder, non-toxic and harmless, easy to purchase and supplement.
        It can be used for paint removal of various materials, including glass, rubber, plastic and wooden furniture.

      Product Details

      Product No AE5789
      Minimum air consumption 180L/min 8bar
      Volume 1.2L
      Weight 0.411KG
      Working air pressure 6-12bar(87-174psl)
      Warranty clause This product is consumable, not within SATA lifetime warranty.

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